Aprende a utilizar todo el potencial del traductor Deepl

Si estás leyendo esto, puede que ya conozcas al excelentísimo traductor online Deepl, desarrollado en Alemania. Esta herramienta ha recibido mucha -y merecida- atención tanto por parte de los traductores profesionales como de los medios de comunicación especializados, debido a la calidad y fiabilidad de sus traducciones, cuando se comparan con las de los servicios más conocidos, como Google o Microsoft. La pregunta de Daniel Lemire de que si Deepl es tan bueno como los traductores humanos ("DeepL is as good as human translators?") me parece francamente exagerada hoy. Pero el hecho es que además de estupendas traducciones (siempre en relación con las ofrecidas por las herramientas disponibles hasta la fecha) Deepl proporciona poderosas características adicionales, a veces no notadas de inmediato por los usuarios nuevos o esporádicos. ¿Vamos a ellas? (Ten en cuenta que algunas características sólo están disponibles cuando se utiliza Deepl en un ordenador de sobremesa, es decir, no podrás utilizarlas en un dispositivo móvil).

Sinónimos y alternativas

Nos permite elegir las palabras que consideremos más apropiadas en un contexto determinado. Es mejor con un ejemplo:

Haga clic en cualquier palabra para que Deepl presente alternativas:

Tenga en cuenta que "The Brazilian" puede ser traducido al portugués como "O brasileiro" o "A brasileira". Si es realmente "A brasileira", haga clic en la "O" al principio de la frase e indique a Deepl que es el género femenino. Tenga en cuenta que los siguientes términos se corregirán debidamente para el femenino: la palabra "brasileiro", por ejemplo, se sustituirá por "brasileira":

Compara esto con el Google Translator y el Microsoft Translator. La herramienta de Google también ofrece (a veces) traducciones alternativas que tienen en cuenta el género, pero no hace sugerencias y no permite ni siquiera la sustitución, aunque no sea guiada, de palabras dentro del texto traducido. En las imágenes de abajo vemos que en la traducción al portugués, el traductor simplemente no permite elegir entre masculino y femenino, permitiéndolo, en cambio, en la traducción al español. Microsoft ignora completamente el tema del género:

Versiones de Windows y MacOS con una cómoda combinación de teclas

Si sólo haces traducciones ocasionales aquí y allá, puedes recurrir a Deepl simplemente accediendo a www.deepl.com/translator a través de cualquier navegador. En mi dispositivo móvil, para hacerlo aún más fácil, he creado un atajo:

Pero si haces un uso frecuente de las traducciones, te sorprenderá la versión de escritorio de Deepl: Añade pequeños detalles que pueden marcar una gran diferencia, que son la tecla de atajo y el botón de inserción. Así es como funciona: selecciona cualquier texto en la web, en el editor de texto, dondequiera que esté, y pulsa dos veces Ctrl + C (por defecto; cambia los ajustes si lo deseas), y Deepl se abrirá con la traducción. Si estás editando un texto y abres Deepl de esta manera, puedes simplemente presionar la tecla "Insertar" para que la traducción sea insertada en tu documento. 

Puedes encontrar más traductores alternativos en línea aquí.

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Why can't I get Uber through Google Maps?

Português | Español

The Uber application, which takes up approximately 200 Mb of internal space (can not be moved to the memory card!) after it was installed, with updates often of the order of tens of megabytes, and whose service is indispensable for many users (especially in cities where passengers still can not enjoy competing applications and have as their only option the traditional taxi services), had a very interesting alternative that was Google Maps: it was possible, until very recently, to request a car by the Google application, without giving up the main features, such as price and time estimation, as well as real-time travel monitoring. The ability to request the service via Google Maps freed users from the need to have the heavy and buggy Uber app: users report various problems through the reviews in the app store, including pane on the Android system after installing the Uber, leading to various disruptions, which often result in the need to restore the smartphone to the factory settings. To give you an idea, there are more than 500,000 evaluations of the Uber application in Play Store with the worst possible rating, representing more than 10% of the total.

Unfortunately, a few days ago, without further explanation or justification, Google announced that it is no longer possible to book rides (there were other options besides Uber that could be chosen) directly on Google Maps.

But I can book a car from Uber through the computer, right? The Uber site is also buggy and unfeasible for some users. For example, some registered users, after logging in with the appropriate credentials, can see the travel registration, profile and payment information, but when they try to request a car they are redirected to a registration page! And the company's support service often responds with generic, standardized messages that show little or no interest in solving or even understanding users' problems. Can you believe it?

For Telegram users, a resource to consider would be the use of the UberTaxi bot, which has the basic functionalities, including price estimation.

Final tip: If you have enough free space and still cannot complete the installation of Uber, it is possible that the process will be completed successfully after restoring the factory settings ("Factory Reset") to your Android.

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With paper airplanes, thousands protest in Russia against the blockade of Telegram

Português | Español

Crowds marched through Moscow on Monday, firing paper planes and calling the authorities to unblock Telegram.

"Putin's regime declared war on the Internet, declared war on free society... so we have to be here to support of Telegram," a protester told Reuters news agency.

"You make me excited and proud to be Russian", Pavel Durov wrote on Twitter. On VK, the "Russian Facebook", Durov welcomed it: "Thousands of young and progressive people are now protesting in defence of internet freedom in Moscow - this is unprecedented". "Your energy is changing the world."

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AnySay: Small Android app sends messages without Internet

Español | Português

There are a number of applications currently (and there are several that promise to be released or under test, such as RightMesh MeshIM, BlockMesh and Gridnet) that attempt to enable communication without Internet. One of the most famous is Firechat, available for iOS and Android, with over 1 million downloads just in the Play Store. Another, with excellent offline connectivity is Briar. Among the first in this category, we cannot fail to mention Bridgefy. However, each of them has notable weaknesses: Firechat leaves something to be desired in mobile phones without bluetooth low energy (a version of the specification generally implemented in more modern devices). Bridgefy requests an Internet connection when it is used after turning on your smartphone. And to use Briar, we have to log in every time the device is restarted (this is a feature justified by security, not a technical weakness or deficiency, and one that could be "relaxed" in the future to make it easier to use. However, anyone who wants to make light use of the application without extreme privacy concerns will find this feature somewhat inconvenient.)
All this to present the amazing AnySay application, which allows, as already mentioned, to send messages without the Internet. This small application forgotten in the Play Store (with a few dozen downloads and last updated in 2016) also has its weaknesses, such as not allowing private communication between two users, not delivering messages instantly (it can take up to 1 minute), and not using any Internet connection to expand the network at any time. However, it has a fantastic ability to deliver messages even without being connected to any Wi-Fi. As we said before, Briar has the best-in-class connectivity (no internet), using Bluetooth or a Wi-Fi access point. Similarly, Bridgefy, Firechat and many others that we have tried, need Bluetooth, Wi-Fi Direct, router activation and/or devices connected to Wi-Fi (even if it is not providing Internet).

What makes AnySay unique and fascinating is its ability to deliver messages without Bluetooth and even without the presence of any Wi-Fi access points! If you, reader, are aware of another Android app that can do this, we urge you to mention it in comments. The installation file does not have 2Mb. AnySay uses a sleep-wake cycle to save battery power.
It is a pity that such an application has not received the attention it deserves. If you want to send an incentive message to the developer, here's the contact email address that appears on their Google Play page.

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Diccionarios de español

(tejano, coche, cochino, enhorabuena...)

(loving, bored, tantrum, foot, jeans...)

(cariño, pesado, berrinche, mono, tejanos...)

(cutlery, caprice, dinner, chunk, road...)

(cubiertos, capricho, cena, cacho, calzada...)

(copo, aposentar, apellido, berro, polvo...)

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